Lulu and the online genealogy class

Bank of the roses
Bank of the roses
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Roses T

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~ Lulu ~

Lulu and the online genealogy class
Lulu and her map
Banks of the roses, Lulu’s tunes

picture : Lulu and her map with files
music : banks of the roses, Lulu’s tunes

Roses T

Lulu is a genealogist.
And a good one.

She wasn’t born one.
She became one.

She has no certifications of what so ever.
No master degree. No experience.
Just intuition.

And love for her family and history. Of course.
And curiosity and perseverance where others give up.

Kind of stubborn and gentle at the same time.
The kind that gets involved in things against her own will.
And gets out by chance and luck as well.

She loves roses, red shoes and wrapped cotton.
She is a good friend. One that is only YES.
No matter the hour or the time it takes.

She is not shy and yet she dislikes pictures or publicity.
She just allowed me to make a sketch of her.
And found it to be very truth-like.

She wanted to be pictured
with a map, containing all her files.
Because “documents make the difference”,
so she says.

And now, that presentations are made
she better tells her story.

How she became what she is:
a master genealogist.

Roses T

PS: remember stories might be fiction or fantasy.
Ancestors are not.

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Roses T


document = irrefutable proof when not faked
map = portfolio with share or share not option

Roses T

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By Mlaure

Mlaure... yes. Just me and my self. Enjoy! Share, like and comment. Thank you!

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